The Couple Therapist Couch Podcast episodes

024: Couples and Autism with Janeen Herskovitz

There are specific things for therapists to think about when working with a couple who has been impacted by autism. It could be a child of the couple or one of the partners who is on the spectrum, but whatever the case, there is a lot to consider.

This conversation with Janeen Herskovitz sheds light on many of those concepts for therapists to keep in mind.

Janeen is a Mental Health Counselor...


023: Ernesto Segismundo on Creativity, Video and Social Media

As therapists, we have so much to offer people, but we are often afraid. Whether it is a case of imposter syndrome or just getting stuck in the day to day, it can be easy to stay in our comfort zone.

In this bonus business episode with Ernesto Segismundo, he talks about how to put ourselves in new situations in order to see things from a different perspective and get fresh ideas.

Ernesto is...


021: True Love is Not True: Relationships Take Work

We often take for granted the fact that relationships take work. We depend on our partner to meet all of our needs and think that something is wrong if we don't feel as in love as we did in the first month of dating.

This was the first solo episode by host, Shane Birkel, and he normalizes these feelings of dissatisfaction and talks about how relationships take a lot of work to maintain. Just...


022: Gay Couples with Alapaki Yee and Salvatore Garanzini

In the field of Couples Therapy there has been very little research on gay couples. Fortunately, more and more is being done all of the time. It is important for Couples Therapists to be educated on this research and also understand how they can communicate in a way that is inclusive.

This episode was with Alapaki Yee and Salvatore Garanzini, the founders of the Gay Couples Institute with...


005: Race and Privilege with Mercedes Samudio

Race and Privilege with Mercedes Samudio - 005

In this episode of The Couples Therapist Couch, Shane interviews Mercedes Samudio about race and privilege both in society as a whole as well as how it impacts our work in therapy. She emphasizes how important it is to come from a place of wanting to understand, respect, and support. Mercedes is the author of the book Shame-Proof Parenting. She is...


020: How to Ask About Sex in Couples Therapy with Martha Kauppi

Most Couples Therapists understand the importance of bringing sex into the conversation in couples therapy. Unfortunately, most feel unprepared to know what questions to ask, how to make clients feel comfortable, and what to do with the information once it is part of the conversation. In this episode, Sex Therapist, Martha Kauppi and I talk all about how to do that.

She has identified 6...


019: Hedy Schleifer on Encounter-centered Couples Therapy

Hedy Schleifer has developed an deep and rich model of working with couples based on her decades of experience as a couples therapist as well as using her own relationship as a "living laboratory."

Encounter-centered Couples Therapy is an experience for one couple to work with the therapist for two full days and connect with each other in a way they have never imagined. In this episode she...


018: Amber Hawley on Building Your Business Community

This is the third Bonus Business episode in a series that is release the first Thursday of each month.

Being in Private Practice can be lonely and therapists tend to be introverts to begin with. In this episode Shane talks with Amber Hawley about how therapists can build their business community. Therapists need to do a better job of making their businesses a priority and having a business...


017: Using Gottman Interventions to Enhance Intimacy with Laura Heck

In order to guide couples to greater intimacy it can be helpful to have a framework that is backed up by decades of research. Laura Heck talks with Shane in this episode about the fact that as a therapist, there is no substitute for experience, but having exercises and interventions can be life changing for couples when used properly.

Laura Heck is an LMFT and Certified Gottman Therapist in...


016: Joy Harden Bradford on Being Open to the Conversation of Privilege

Lately in our country it seems like race and privilege are at the forefront of the media. From police shootings, to Donald Trump, to kneeling during the national anthem, these issues have a huge impact on everyone, particularly people of color. This is not new, in fact it has been going on for hundreds of years.

In this episode, Dr. Joy Harden Bradford talks about being open to staying in the...


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